John Sayles' AMIGO and A Moment in the Sun out at last.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back in Bohol

I did my best to complete the deals with Kodak Philippines, SQ Film Labs, and Road Runner for the film phase, and then I flew back to Bohol. It's wonderful to be here. Cooper and I had a sleepover with Dieter and Bee my first night back. Then back to Talisay Beach house where Sophia and Vincent and Tessie welcomed me like family. Look our big girl! She is inches taller and has a full head of hair and she talks so much more than she used to, even some words of English.
We miss you, Clarissa.


  1. This is off-topic, but I'd like formally to invite John Sayles to speak to urban planning students at a major university. Who/how to contact?

  2. Lastman,
    Why don't you send me a way to contact you and we'll be in touch? I don't like to put my email address on the blog.
